2-30 Agustus 2007
pameran tunggal Galam Zulkifli
Gedung Bika
Kemang Raya 91
Jakarta Selatan
T 719-8080
from www.gudeg.net: Galam Zulkifli was born in Sumbawa, January 14th 1971. He studied fine art at IKIP, Yogyakarta. His work had been selected as one of the best five in Indonesian Art Awards competition in 1998. Recently, his painting titled Teater Pembebasan (2003) was selected as one of the painting from Indonesia in ASEAN Art Award competition in 2004.
Galam's hobby in his childhood made him sure about his skill in fine art. Then he studied at IKIP to learn fine art. After four semester, he decided to quit from college and tried to learn by self-tought.
His paintings were mostly telling about reality in harmony of life. Galam found enjoyment in appreciating a social criticism. All of his paintings had the same value, there was no masterpiece neither the worst.
In 1995, Galam made his first exhibition at Tanjung Priok Jakarta, as his most historical moment. In 2000, Galam Zulkifli with his friends established Komunitas Gelaran Budaya. The community still exists for some gatherings and discussion about fine art.
For the last six years, Galam created period of his artworks. First period was machine (33 paintings), second period was bricks (33 paintings), free period, illusion period, and image period. In 2004, Galam wrote a novel entitled "Taman Seni Dari Dunia Imajiner" and "Lompatan Kata Rupa". Some awards are as follows: 5 Terbaik Indonesian Art Awards, 5 terbaik Indonesian Art Awards, and Finalis ASEAN Art Award)
British Council
T 515 5561
one IPOD VIDEO for the essay winner
one KODAK digital camera for the photo winner.
To celebrate 60th anniversary in Indonesia, British Council open competitions for BOTH people who have been engaged in British Council's activities in the past and present and also wider community who are interested in activities related to British Council's work.
The competitions are for:
1. One most interesting essay which tells about meaningful engagement with British Council in the past, or other activities in community that relates to British Council's focus of work in Indonesia.
2. One most interesting photo which shows meaningful engagement with British Council
more details: British Council
30 Agustus - 29 September 2007
10:00 - 18:00
Art Seasons,
Jl Kemang Timur 63B,
Jakarta Selatan
Pameran Tunggal Karya : Liu Gang
30 Agustus 2007 | 15.30 - 20.00
Museum Joang'45
Diskusi tentang "Dwi Tunggal Proklamator dan 11 Tokoh Revolusioner"
Pameran "Dwi Tunggal Proklamator"
Temu kangen para pejuang'45
Musik keroncong tempo dulu
Insya Allah acara akan dibuka oleh Ibu Ir Aurora Tambunan, Msi selaku Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Permuseuman, key note Speach putri proklamator, Prof.DR. Meutia Hatta Swasono ....
22 - 29 Agustus 2007 | 10:00-15:00
Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik
Jl Pos Kota No 2
Jakarta Barat
T 692-6091
Pameran menampilkan karya-karya dari seniman Indonesia.
25 - 29 Agustus 2007 | 09:00 - 16:00
Tembi Galeri,
Jl. Gandaria 1 No. 47B,
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
T 720 3055; 725 3410
Pameran lukisan karya Totok HK
14 Agustus - 01 September 2007
10:00 - 19:00
Galeri Nasional Indonesia
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 14
Jakarta pusat
T 3483 3954-55
Pameran produksi O House Gallery
kurator Jim Supangkat
6-27 Agustus 2007 | 10:00
karya dua perupa, Ivan Hariyanto dan Paul Hendro
Philo Art Space,
Jl Kemang Timur 90-C,
Jakarta Selatan
T 719-8448
Ivan Hariyanto, kelahiran Banyuwangi tahun 1955, adalah lulusan Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI), Yogyakarta. Sementara Paul Hendro, kelahiran Madiun, menyelesaikan studi di Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP), Yogyakarta. Pameran akan dibuka tanggal 6 Agustus 2007 pukul 20.00 dan akan berlangsung sampai 27 Agustus 2007.
from The Jakarta Post:
East Java artist Ivan Hariyanto and Jakarta-based artist Paul Hendro have long known and admired each other’s work.
It seems fitting that Ivan and Paul’s first encounter with one another would take place at the opening night of their joint painting exhibition at Philo Art Space, titled Encounter.
“The title ‘Encounter’ refers to the joining of two realist painters,” said Amalia Ahmad, co-owner of the gallery, noting the parallels between the two artists’ works.
Indeed, at first glance, it’s easy to see the stylistic similarities between the work of Ivan and Paul. Both painters eschew fanciful depictions in favor of more simple, un-idealized renditions of their subjects.
That’s not to say that their takes on realism lack creativity.
Ivan, the slightly surreal and more experimental of the two, has a knack for unconventional framing and boldly colored backgrounds. One of his most playful pieces on display is Eddie Hara-Why Me?
On a stark yellow background, what appears to be a self-portrait of Ivan is howling in pain as a surreal-looking fish, painted in the style of Eddie, bites his finger.
A different piece worth contemplating is the symbolic You Are My Hamburger. Another self-portrait of Ivan is framed against a light pink background, his figure hunched in a covetous pose while holding a rock, a hamburger floating above his hands.
Look closely and one can also spot a Salvador Dali-esque melted watch face splayed over the rock.
“The hamburger represents a joke, because a lot of people cannot afford things like hamburgers and Cokes,” said Ivan, 52. “The watch represents how fashion changes over time and that this hamburger is a trend.”
One thing that Ivan didn’t choose to elaborate on was a small American flag painted onto the hamburger, no doubt to signify its national origin and to denote some thinly veiled criticism.
What he did divulge was the inspiration for much of his work, which stems from a need to balance the barrage of technology and modernism with the traditional.
Works like The Traditional Dancer with The Woman are indicative of his vision, pairing a Western woman in modern dress with a dancer of seemingly Balinese origin, the latter appearing to push away the former.
“I cannot deny the uprising of media, the Internet or TV,” said Ivan, who has been painting for more than 30 years. That is why I mix the traditional with the modern. There must be a balance. You cannot be uprooted: You have to remember your culture.”
Whereas Ivan’s work is a bit more esoteric in symbolism, Paul prefers to lay things out at face value.
Pieces like Thanks, Daddy and Berangkat Subuh, Pulang Larut (Dawn departure, night return) illustrate an embracing of modern lifestyles and a simple air of positivism.
One would think that a deeper disparagement of affluent excess or technological detachment lay beneath the two works, but Paul countered, saying, “There are so many negative things in the news and the media. I just want to highlight the positive.”
But some of Paul’s work falls more on the surrealist side, which can be seen in the piece Tentang Tingkap2 Langit Yang Terbuka (open layers in the sky), which depicts a sky layered with open windows and money raining down through them. Paul explained of the painting, “If God gives you fortune, no one can stop it.”
Another example of Paul’s non-adherence to the rules of realism is the piece Dua Hati, in which a two tree trunks supported by steel beams join together at a point.
“The wood and metal are like a husband and wife with very different characters, but they can work together,” said Paul.
Much like the metal and wood in Paul’s painting, the character of both artists may be different, but the joining of their art is like a successful symbiotic relationship.
21 Juli 2007 - 21 Agustus 2007
Yang Fan Solo Show
Linda Gallery
jl. Kemang Raya No.46 Jakarta 12730
T 719 0888
F 719 0123
Yang Fan’s works portray women from the post-70s, unlike other outstanding female artists who focus on depicting sophisticated woman, Yang Fan pay high attention to those ‘Shallow Woman’. Most of them are from 18 to 28 years old, crazy about fashion, have never experiences the hardness of life, pretty but seemingly have no wisdom or brain.
When talking about image style, Yang Fan’s paintings are very close to the iconograph of fashion magazine or beauty pictures in cheap magazines. Her paintings are always collecting all the most skin-deep materialized details and various trendy bright colors. Both the background and the images look almost like a piece of complanate paper..
28 Juli - 16 Agustus 2007
pameran dua perupa Bandung
Galeri Lontar
Jln. Utan Kayu 68
Jakarta Timur
T 857-3388
Syah Fadil dan Septian Harriyoga adalah lulusan Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB. Yang satu menekuni seni lukis, yang satu lagi mendalami seni patung. Karya-karya mereka memperlihatkan kecenderungan baru dalam perkembangan seni rupa Bandung. Pokok masalah yang menjadi inspirasi pada karya-karya mereka bukanlah sesuatu yang megah atau yang ingin merangkul dunia, melainkan soal-soal sepele dan kecil yang terabaikan dari perhatian kita. Fadil, misalnya, menirukan rupa gelembung-gelembung sabun sebagai arena bermain yang tak terbayang ke dalam lukisannya. Harriyoga menangkap asosiasi dari bentuk-bentuk patungnya yang minimalis. Dan, bertolak dari soal sederhana itu pula, gagasan-gagasan orisinal muncul pada karya-karya mereka, sekaligus menemukan rahasia dari ruang-ruang tersembunyi mediumnya.
15-26 Agustus 2007
the Plaza Semanggi
Pembukaan: 15 Agustus 2007 | 19:00
Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika, Putra Putri Proklamator
Pameran Foto Kemerdekaan Indonesia koleksi Antara Foto - IPPHOS
Musik: Maliq & d'essentials, Indonesian Idol
Puisi: Andien
14-19 Agustus 2007
Pameran foto Ostkreuz
Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15, Menteng
Jakarta Pusat
Foto-foto ini berasal dari agen foto terkenal „Ostkreuz“ Berlin.
Workshop fotografi dipimpin Wolfgang Bellwinkel, fotografer „Ostkreuz“
from http://www.ostkreuz.de :
OSTKREUZ - the photographers' agency - was founded by seven
photographers in Berlin in 1990 and is one of the best-known agencies in Germany.
Today OSTKREUZ is an agency with seventeen member photographers and a growing number of photographers represented in the archive.
OSTKREUZ works throughout the world for magazines, book publishers, advertising agencies, promoters and sponsoring agencies as well as in the field of corporate communication for companies. Using their own differing photographic languages, OSTKREUZ photographers are able to offer a wide range of subjects on the basis of commissions or own production: portrait, photoessay, report, landscape, architecture,
panoramas, travel,fashion and stills.
OSTKREUZ carries out the preparation, organisation and all follow-up services for photographic commissions, and offers a complete production service on request: casting, locations, studios and cooperation with experienced visagists and assistants.
14 July - 12 August 2007
Tunnel, Esplanade, Singapura
by Stephanie Cheng, Kenny Lim, Eudora Rusli,Calvin Tan, Tan Seow Wei and Tan Taitien
Singapore and Indonesia
Six young artists, six different styles. This series of mixed media drawings showcases both individual and collaborative works by six young artists. As the title suggests, the works are results of personal expression and interaction amongst the artists during the work process.
Enam artis muda dari Indonesia dan Singapura, menampilkan karya ilustrasi di atas mix media dengan enam gaya yang berbeda.
The different styles and myriad media on paper result in abstract, fragmented works of uncertainty and ambiguity. The works are never finished. Simultaneous layers of adding and subtracting over the weeks from these works keep them in constant development. Like the process of playing, there is never an end.
Stephanie Cheng, Kenny Lim, Eudora Rusli, Calvin Tan, Tan Seow Wei dan Tan Taitien.
Karya-karya mereka merupakan ungkapan ekspresi personal dan interaksi antar sesama artis selama proses pengerjaannya.
Perbedaan gaya dan banyaknya media di atas kertas menghasilkan karyakarya abstrak, terfragmen, mengandung banyak arti dan ketidakpastian.
Karyakarya itu tidak pernah selesai. Bermingguminggu secara simultan layer-layernya ditambah dan dikurangi. Seperti proses bermain, akhir tak kunjung tiba.
27 Juli - 10 Agustus 2007 | 16:00-23:00
Pameran Lukisan
dan Peluncuran buku antologi puisi karya Amien Kamil
Asal mula segala amsal, bermula dari tiada menjadi ada
dibuka oleh Iwan Fals
Bataviase Cafe - Cuba Libre cigar lounge
Jl. Veteran I no.32 - Jakarta 10110
T 344 6203, 384 0127, 0888 116 9957
dari kata pengantar buku:
...... lantas kenapa berjudul "Tamsil Tubuh Terbelah"?
Tak ada pretensi apa-apa, selain puisi itu adalah salah satu puisi dari
beberapa puisi yang saya senangi dan seringkali dibacakan pada beberapa
kesempatan di kantong-kantong budaya, komunitas seni yang peduli terhadap
perkembangan kebudayaan yang berkembang di masyarakatnya.
Juga bukan pula antologi ini berkeinginan untuk menjadi kontekstual. Saya
hanya berusaha menuruti krentek kata hati, menggali dan mengolah kemungkinan
yang ada, hingga kemungkinan yang paling mustahil sekali pun.
Oleh sebab itu, sejak 6 bulan lalu saya mengumpulkan dan menyeleksi
puisi-puisi, merancang sampul depan dan membuat gambar-gambar untuk
ilustrasi dalam buku.
Kemudian menerbitkannya sendiri! ......
dari isi buku:
mengenang Saut Sitompul
Via Dolorosa.....
Jalan penderitaan telah dilewati
serta kau tuntaskan malam jelang pagi itu
namun puisi terakhir tak sempat kau selesaikan
saat melintas jalan depan bioskop Rivoly
kau terbang diterjang taxi
supir taxi ngantuk atau kau yang mabuk
Masih terkenang dalam ingatan
kau melintas bebas berbaju gombrong
celana komprang dan sepatu kebesaran
Keriting rambutmu berkibar
kilat jidatmu terlihat dari kejauhan
paras wajahmu berbinar
senyum mengembang, tawamu lantang
Suatu sore, kau menghampiriku
"Punya papier?:
Kutatap matanya yang dalam
"Buat apa, Bang?"
"Awak mau menulis puisi!" ujarmu
senyum sambil menggaruk kepala
("mungkin") titik-titik terang muncul seketika
Subuh, aku masih mlungker dibalik selimut
via sms, seseorang kirim kabar duka
engkau telah tiada tinggalkan segala
"Selamat jalan, kawan"
Ach, Apa yang terjadi
tak sempat kau tulis menjadi puisi
Jakarta, Januari 2005
tentang penyair:
Amien Kamil lahir di Jakarta 1963. Selain menulis puisi dan melukis, ia juga
aktif menggumuli dunia pentas.
1983 - Sinematogradi Institut Kesenian Jakarta, drop-out
1986-1996 - Bengkel Teater Rendra
1988 - tampil di The 1st New York International Festival of Arts, New York,
USA; workshop di Bread & Puppet Theatre, Vermont, USA
1990 - pentas di Tokyo dan Hiroshima, Jepang
Team Kreatif konser musik troubador Iwan Fals di kota-kota besar Indonesia
2003-2005 - kolaborasi dengan Brigitte Oleschinski, penyair Jerman: pentas
multi media di Berlin, Koln, Bremen dan Hamburg. Workshop teater di
universitas Hamburg, Leipzig, dan Passau; tampil di Letras del Mundo,
International Literature Festival di TamaulipasTampico, Mexico
Kini - memimpin Republic of Performing Arts
1-10 Agustus 2007
Peluncuran Buku Indonesia Women Artists : The Curtain Opens
Bersama :
- Carla Bianpoen
- Farah Wardani
- Wulan Dirgantoro
Galeri Nasional Indonesia,
Jl Medan Merdeka Timur 14.
T 386-1603
Pameran menampilkan karya :
- Altje Ully
- Dolorosa Sinaga
- Diah Yulianti
- Dyan Anggraini
- Emiria Soenassa
- Endang Lestari
- Erica Hestu Wahyuni
- Hening Purnamawati
- Hilda Soemantri
- Heyi Ma'mun
- I Gak Murniasih
- Iriantine Karnaya
- Kartika Affandi
- Laksmi Shitaresmi
- Marida Nasution
13 July - 6 August 2007 | 09:00-16:00
Erasmus Huis
Free entrance | Gratis
Photography exhibition by Mirjam Bürer
Regional plants, as opposite to modern uniform patented plants, have been researched and photographed by Mirjam Bürer during her many trips to Asia. The worldwide urbanization and the economic market principles suppress the world’s original ecological resources - resources we often sacrifice without giving it much thought. Mirjam Bürer uses this theme to build an installation in the garden of the Erasmus Huis, and by doing so draws attention to the importance of a genetic variation of plants for the preservation of biodiversity and the value of putting quality above quantity. In the Erasmus Huis the public will be able to see big screens constructed out of layers of painted, photographed and serigraphed landscapes with plants and seeds.
Selama sekian banyak perjalanannya di Asia, Mirjam Bürer melakukan penelitian dan membuat foto tanaman budidaya daerah, yang berlawanan dengan tanaman modern yang seragam dan dipatenkan. Urbanisasi yang mendunia dan prinsip-prinsip pasar ekonomi merusak sumber ekologis, sumber yang sering kita korbankan tanpa dipikirkan terlebih dahulu. Tema ini dipakai oleh Mirjam Bürer untuk membuat sebuah instalasi di kebun Erasmus Huis dan dengan melakukan itu, ia mencoba menarik perhatian orang akan pentingnya variasi genetik tanaman untuk kelanjutan keanekaragaman hayati serta pentingnya menempatkan kwalitas di atas kwantitas. Di Erasmus Huis akan tampak layar besar yang terdiri dari lapisan lukisan, foto dan cetakan pemandangan dengan tanaman dan benih
[photo: www.mirjamburer.com]
Pameran foto
Seminar & Workshop bersama Agni Ariatama
25 Juli - 05 Agustus 2007
Galeri Oktagon,
Jl. Gunung Sahari No.50A
Jakarta Pusat
T 420 4545
Agni Ariatama, seorang sinematografer handal yg banyak memproduksi TVC, film dan video clip. Salah satunya film Daun di Atas Bantal. Banyak bergelut di bidang underwater videografer. Salah satu film dokumenter yang pernah di produksinya yaitu " Terumbu Karang". Sekarang menjabat sebagai Ketua Dept. Film FFTV-IKJ.
21 Juli - 4 Agustus 2007
Diskusi Budaya, Diskusi Foto, Seminar Fotografi, Entertaiment musik
Museum Bank Mandiri,
Jl. Lapangan Stasiun No.1
T 9833-1752
Museum Bank Mandiri menempati area seluas 10.039 m2, pada awalnya adalah gedung Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij (NHM) atau Factorji Batavia yang merupakan perusahaan dagang milik Belanda yang kemudian berkembang menjadi perusahaan di bidang perbankan. Tampak kokoh dan megah dengan arsitektur Niew Zakelijk atau Art Deco Klasik, karya 3 orang arsitek belanda yaitu J.J.J de Bruyn dan A.P. Smits dan C. van de Linde, Gedung ini mulai dibangun 1929 dan diresmikan 14 Januari 1933.
Koleksi museum terdiri dari berbagai macam koleksi yang terkait dengan aktifitas perbankan tempo doeloe dan perkembangannya, koleksi yang dimiliki mulai dari perlengkapan Operasional bank, Surat Berharga, Mata Uang Kuno, brandkast, dan lain-lain. Koleksi perlengkapan operasional bank tempo doeloe yang unik, antara lain adalah peti uang, mesin hitung uang mekanik, kalkulator, mesin pembukuan, mesin cetak, alat pres bendel, seal press, safe deposit box maupun aneka surat berharga seperti bilyet deposito, sertikat deposito, cek, obligasi, dan saham. di samping itu, ornamen bangunan, interior dan furniture masih asli.
2 Agustus 2007
solo painting exhibition by Wayan Sudiarta
elcanna art gallery
jl. Pakubuwono VI No. 35
Kebayoran Baru,
t: 721-1101
f: 721-1121
from www.aryaseni.com : Wayan Sudiarta was born in 1969.
He graduated from Art Department of FKIP UNUD, Singaraja, Bali in 1993.
Wayan Sudiarta is the grand son of a famous painter of Balinese traditional painting which lays ground of his comprehension of the east (Balinese) aesthetics.
He obtained a multicultural environment at the department of Art Education, IKIP Singaraja, Bali, where he graduated and become a lecturer, which he understands later as the west (modern) aesthetics.
His first journey out of the country had made an inner conflict of his soul and mind and had opened his view about his culture.
The very rich and colorful Balinese dance and music is translated into his work in different ways.
These east meet west aesthetics perform tense and restless creativity for him.
He tries to combine modern with traditional aesthetics.
Most of Wayan Sudiarta’s artworks are about Balinese traditional and warrior dance.
He is so faithful to present the Balinese dances because he feels he has not comprehended them completely.
Unlike most Indonesian modern artists who interpret components of tradition by doing distortion or abstraction, Wayan presents the ornaments of tradition completely as practiced in its original style and technique.
The creation as he presents is the creation of the dance. For example, he reinterprets the Kebyar Sabung dance by looking for the main source reference of the dance: cock fighting.
The representation of his painting is the movement and gesture of cocks fighting in the bodies of the dancers.
He is not a painter that freezes a scene of a dance, instead he is a choreographer that reinterprets classical tradition dances on his canvas. His painting contexts are interpretations of his subject matter.
Most important, in the works of Sudiarta, there is a hidden side of Bali, such as dances that are rarely performed, and some choreography, and art texts move on.
1 - 18 Agustus 2007
Warung Apresiasi Bulungan,
Jln Bulungan Blok C No. 1
Kebayoran Baru
T 835-4513
Sebuah pameran lukis tunggal karya Ki Suhardi yang mengangkat tema realitas sosial sebagai dampak globalisasi ekonomi di Indonesia.
Galeri: http://kisuhardi.com/